Czech photoreporter, filmaker and a fine artist.
Born on March 26, 1963 in Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia.
In 1976 he immigrates in the Netherlands and settles in Amsterdam. Attends the Montessori lyceum in Amsterdam. After his studies at the Art school in The Hague, (Academy of fine arts) with a major in experimental film, in years between 1984-1985 follows photographic workshops with world famous photographers like Wiliam Klein and Franco Fontana. Later he accidentally ends up in Perth, Australia, where he spends one year.
Upon his return to the Netherlands, he tirelessly continues to travel to the most remote areas of Arabia and Asia. He cooperates with the Dutch state television and regional Amsterdam television network.
In 1993 he returns to Prague, where he works as a photographer and a translater. As a photojournalist alongside former President Vaclav Havel and former Prime Minister Václav Klaus, he assists several State Visits ( India, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, the Holy See, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, China, Japan). He contributes with his photographs to several magazines in the Czech Republic. At this time he creates the film documentary “Vaclav Havel traveling”.
He moves to Paris in 1996 and works for the renowned agency Gamma. His series of photographs from Africa, New Guinea, Mexico, or Spanish fiestas are published across the world. His first book “Opus vivendi“ is being published.
In the year 2000 he returns to live and work in Prague. 2002 – 2004 works as a foreign editor for the magazine Mladý svět.
Between 2004-2005 works as a personal photographer of President of the Czech Republic Václav Klaus covering his State Visits. His second book “Celebrations“ is being published.
Between the years 2005-2010 lives and works as a freelance photographer in Prague and Stockholm. Travels to the African kontinent.
In 2011 moves back to Prague, where he works as a photographer and a independent photo journalist.
Between 2015 -2020 works as a foreign editor at the main Czech newspaper Mladá fronta Dnes. In 2016 a third photographic book “The infinite beauty of decay“ is being published.
Since 2020 working as a freelance art photographer in Prague.
Has two sons. Speaks Czech, English, Dutch, German, French and Russian.
He likes cooking, Taekwondo, canooing, travelling and is still looking for someone who will teach him chinese.
2016 Thomas Svoboda – “The infinite beauty of decay“, Leonardo s.r.o.,Prague, 2016
2008 Thomas Svoboda – “Celebrations“ , Photoart Prague
2000 Thomas-Svoboda – “Opus Vivendi“, Helios exprint S.A.
2024 Czech Art Photo, “Woman“, official selection
2016 Honorable mention from his excellency Borys Zajchuk Ambassador od Ukraine, for organizing a photographic exhibition
,,Chernobyl, 30 years after the disaster“
1996 Winner of the prestigious contest CD-Photobler “Ourpoliticians travelling“, Prague
1994 Golden token as a sign of gratitude of her Majesty the queen of Thailand Sirikit.
INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS (the most important ones)
2016 “Chernobyl, 30 years after the disaster“, State office for nuclear safety, Prague, Czech republic
2015 “India”, Bombay Bar Prague, Czech Republic
2011 “The Infinite Beauty Of Decay”, Czech cultural center, Stockholm, Sweden
2009 “The Sound Of Silence”, Museum of Photography, Sundsvall, Sweden
“The Sound Of Silence”, Hotel Klockargarden, Tällberg, Sweden
“The Sound Of Silence”, slideshow, Peace and Love Rock Festival, Sweden
“Czech landscape”, Skara Cathedral, Sweden
“Czech landscape“, cultural center Häslleholm, Sweden
2008 “Czech landscape”, Czech Tourism, Cafe Opera, Stockholm, Sweden
2007 “Czech landscape through the eyes of Thomas Svoboda”, Czech cultural center, Rome, Italy
2006 “Woman of Northern Korea”, National gallery, Prague, Czech republic
“Václav Havel travelling”, Czech cultural center, Warsaw, Poland
2005 “Colours of Life”, Czech Cultural Centre, Moscow, Russia
“Colours of Life”, Jindřišská Tower, Prague, Czech republic
2003 “Colours of Life”, Zamek Kultury, Poznan, Poland
“Papua New Guinea”, Interkamera, Prague, Czech republic
“People from the Sahara”, Náprstkovo muzeum, Prague, Czech republic
2002 “India”, Gallery Cerná Labut, Prague, Czech republic
2001 “Spain, Spain!”, Gallery Leica, Prague, Czech republic
2000 “Collages“, Radost FX, Prague, Czech Republic
1999 “Southern Algeria”, Algerian Cultural Center, Paris, France
1998 “Photographs”, Hotel Sofitel, Algers, Algeria
“Experimental Works”, Gallery le Pont Neuf, Paris, France
“Collage“, La Filature, Mulhouse, France
1996 “Václav Havel Traveling”, Czech Center, Moscow, Russia
“Václav Havel Traveling”, Czech Center, Kiev, Ukraine
1992 “Fotografie“, Fotogalerie Spectrum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1984 “Amsterdam“, Galerie Desmet, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
GROUP EXHIBITIONS (the most important ones)
2024 “Woman“,Czech Art Photo, Zlín, Czech republic
2011 “Spare time”, National gallery, Veletrzni palac, Prague, Czech republic
2008 “International Triennial of Contemporary Art“, National gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
2005 “Colours of Life”, Gallery Mistec, Kiev, Ukraine
1994 “Czech Photography 1989-94”, Gallery Manes, Prague
1992 “Czechoslovak Photography in Exile”, Gallery Manes, Prague
1991 “Gkf”, Stedelijk museum, Amsterdam
1983 “Portraits”, Gallery Adrian van der Haeve, Amsterdam